What is a liquid biopsy?


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  • What is a liquid biopsy?


What is a
liquid biopsy?

Liquid biopsy is a technology for predicting disease by detecting or analyzing the concentration of disease-related biomarkers present in samples such as blood, urine, and saliva. Liquid Biopsy, a non-invasive alternative to tissue biopsy, can help determine cancer treatments by identifying clinically relevant biomarkers. Representative circulating biomarkers used in liquid biopsy include circulating tumor cells (CTCs), exosomes, and circulating tumor DNA (CtDNA).


Tissue Biopsy vs Liquid Biopsy

The biggest advantage of liquid biopsy is its convenience. Liquid biopsy does not require painful
tissue biopsy to directly remove a patient's tissue, and can confirm the presence of disease with only body fluid.

Tissue Biopsy

  • Invasive
  • long term (surgery)
  • Resection/Incision (Risk)
  • Some patients or tissues are not available
  • Limited lesion tissue

Liquid Biopsy

  • Non-Invasive
  • Short time (small amount of blood)
  • Blood collection (convenience)
  • Most patients can be tested
  • All tissue


Test Details

Specimen Blood 10ml

TAT Depends on each test option

Test Method NGS

  • cancer screening

    Early screening and
    detection of cancer in
    asymptomatic patients

  • Companion

    Personalized medicine
    prescription and
    patient-based decision making

  • Cancer Monitoring

    Personalized cancer
    recurrence and residual
    disease detection panel